State of Distribution 2024

Recently, HEDNA, put out their State of Distribution Report with NYU SPS Tisch Center of Hospitality and RateGain.

I’ve had a chance to review it and wanted to share a few thoughts, primarily around the Independent Hotels and I highly recommend that independent hotels review it, as they are generally more “agile but resource-constrained”.

I was excited to see that they indicated that “OTA’s continue to play a key role in driving revenue, however, share of voice in apps and websites are growing significantly.” And that “Independent hotels had the biggest percentage of bookings, coming from direct, with digital and web driving more than 27% of bookings”. Is this what you are seeing at your independent hotel?

On page 27 of the report, it is important to review “Why Content Management Is Labor-Intensive”, as so many hotels don’t understand this and put little to no focus on content across all channels.

I will end with a quote from Chris Murdock that really resonated with me. If you are feeling these pains, let’s connect and see how EPiC Specialists can help you!

“The majority of hotels are adding more technologies. However, they are not increasing the headcount across the distribution teams that will be managing these technologies. This indicates that existing resources from other teams will be given extra responsibilities to manage these technologies. As a result, the business unit itself is beginning to merge with others.”

Link to the State of Distribution Report:










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